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Important Links


Become a thespian by paying your dues, or renew if you are currently a thespian. Thescon deposits can also be paid here.  


Thespians earn points throughout their years at Midtown based on the amount of hours spent working on productions. 


Deadlines for all things thespian and Thescon related. Dates for thespy submissions, deposits, and confrence.


Georgia Thespians website with any other information you need, including conference grant applications and health forms. 

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What is a Thespian

The EdTA (Educational Theatre Association), an international professional association for theatre education, invites schools to join their association as Thespian troupes. 


Midtown's Thespian troupe (#5074) was reactivated in 2007. Since then, we have had many milestones, including bringing Incident at San Bajo - the first show ever brought to the Georgia Thespian Conference staged in the round in 2009.  Out of the 20+ shows that were presented at the conference, our show was one of two selected by the State to present at the International Thespian Conference. 


In 2019, we brought more students to conference and graduated more Honor and National Honor Thespians than we ever have before. In 2010 and 2019 we had students receive an invitation to perform at to International as well.  In 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2022 we had acts receive superior ratings, and in 2015, 2016, and 2022, we had performances from Midtown/Grady showcased for all of confrence.


We mention all of this to make you aware of the opportunities that are available to schools that have Thespian troupes. We could just have a drama club, but through the Thespian society students see the bigger picture. They make contacts, take workshops, talk to colleges, and see other schools’ work.  As Thespians, students are able to track their achievements throughout high school through a point system and can earn enough in their high school career to be an Honor Thespian, National Honor Thespian, or International Honor Thespian.

Thespian Benefits:

  • Ability to attend Thescon

  • Holiday Party and Thespian Banquet

  • Thespian swag (pin, bumper sticker, personal Thespian ID)

  • Thespys eligibility

  • Elegibillity to run for state or national Thespian Officer

  • Graduation cord (Honor, National Honor, and International Honor Thespians only)

How to become a Thespian

How to become A THESPIAN

In order to become a thespian, you need to fill out an information form with Mr. Dreiling, pay dues in person or online ($30 for new thespians, $20 each year after), and earn 10 thespian points. There are a variety of ways to earn thespian points, such as:

  •  Taking classes.  Each semester of drama you take in which you earn an ”A” gives you 5 points (4 points for a “B”).


  • Participating in after-school shows.  Each role and/or tech job you do gives you points.  The larger the role/job, the more points you get.  You can earn points by writing scripts, directing, performing or doing tech work for shows or events like coffeehouse.


  • Do theatre in other places. You can earn points from productions you participated in outside of Midtown, middle school shows, summer camps, etc.  However, you can only earn a maximum of 5 points from shows & activities that are not part of the Midtown Theatre program.

​Once you become a thespian, the points you earn can advance you to diffrent levels.


  • When you earn 10 points (100 hours and One-Star Thespian), you advance to the One-Star Thespian level.


  • When you earn 60 points (600 hours and Six-Star Thespian) you become an Honor Thespian.


  • When you earn 120 points (1200 hours and Twelve-Star Thespian) you become a National Honor Thespian.


  • When you earn 180 points (1800 hours and Eighteen-Star Thespian) you become an International Honor Thespian.

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